UNIFORM | Scout / Seattle Drift Jacket

Fall is here and that means one thing to my wardrobe: lightweight jackets. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yesssss! Easily my favorite closet staple and item to stalk online. Speaking of the later, Scout / Seattle, a company I admire hugely, has created one for the books. Their made-in-Seattle unisex Drift Jacket ($324) is made from a single layer of lightweight Japanese cotton. The subtle floral pattern adds a pinch of femininity to the utility of the jacket and I love the look of buttoning the top collar flipped up (below right photo) and I can't think of something this wouldn't go with.


Unknown said…
I really like your blog (your style)! I want this jacket
e.vislocky said…
What other lightweight jackets do you like? I'm in the market for one for this fall!
Molly said…
Very Bill Cunningham!
Lizzie said…

More in the hopper...stay tuned!
Lauren C. said…
Totally wishing the weather would finally shift to "fall" mode so I could actually wear a jacket! Once it does, something like this would do quite nicely. :)

Unrelated to this post, but I love your blog. I found it over the summer, and have been gawking at it ever since.
Joanna said…
So hard to find a light weight jacket that doesn't remind me of a military trench coat, which is completely too common for my taste. this weather is getting tricky for my closet and my skin. Another unrelated thought (hope you don't mind), do you have any good skincare product recommendations?

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